Thursday, July 24, 2008


Orientation is making me a little bit disoriented. Perhaps it's because I am not used to waking up so "early" any more, and perhaps I have become too Meditechized to adjust to the KP system. I found myself reaching for those F9's and magic keys, only to realize that my fingers can no longer dance on the keyboard like they used to at CHO.
Here's a gift basket that I received from Kaiser. My chief also approved my educational leave to take a board review course (paid!). Feel so loved.

Onto something more depressing: the boards.
Got this mug from a friend. I guess I can't use it until I am truly "100% board certified." Maybe it's finally time to start studying, so that I can justify using this mug in a few months.

1 comment:

Anthony Wills said...

I have that same mug (given to me by my mom). Haven't really touched the i feel justified. Welp, I'm in line for my spanking in South SF. We'll see what happens.